Cost: $350.00 plus GST
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We’d all agree that having a saddle that fits is a good idea. But why is it so critically important? And how do we know if it fits like it should?
It’s time to stop guessing.
Does your saddle fit properly? How do you go about ensuring that a saddle fits a horse?
Just like any athlete, a horse can struggle when they are sore or in pain. A saddle that does not fit properly can lead to a host of issue, both physically and mentally, for your horse.
In this two day clinic, Tralauney examines the anatomy of the horse and relates that to how - and why - a saddle must fit properly. You'll work through multiple saddle fitting scenarios hands-on with horses too.
The absence of visible discomfort or complaints from a horse doesn't necessarily signify an appropriate saddle fit. Some horses are explicit when discomforted, while others endure much without complaint.
Particularly stoic horses may hide pain or fear until they reach their breaking point, which can result in injury to both the horse and rider. We’ve all heard stories that start with, “And all of a sudden my horse…”
It's crucial to remember that a horse's silence and lack of signs of a poor fit does not gaurantee comfort, thus emphasizing the need to understand if your saddle fits properly.
Book your spot today!
We’re looking forward to a fun learning experience. As at all of our clinics, we’ll be hosting a pot-luck dinner and campfire night. We also have guest rooms and a cabin available (first come, first served, so book TODAY) so you can stay on site. If you’re bringing a horse (not required since we have lots), we have large pens for them to stay in.
Note: Gift Certificates and clinic prize wins do not apply to this clinic as we're hosting it, not teaching it.
More about Tralauney Thomas and Equinox Health.
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